Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A brief introduction.

Hello. First and foremost, I am not quite sure what I can legally say on this blog. Consequently, I am going to leave out the proper names of people and places. That being said, I am Matt (is that really my name? Who knows?) and I work at a certain aquarium just outside of Philadelphia. At my job, I deal with the public all day long. My coworkers and I facilitate touch exhibits, bring out and talk about animals, and perform educational shows both as ourselves and as characters. While performing these tasks, we talk to people, interact with people, yell at people, and get to watch folks do stuff while they think we're not looking. This blog will serve as a record of all of the crazy stuff my coworkers and I witness. And we've witnessed some crazy stuff. Let me assure you that all of these stories/occurrences are real. And they haven't all happened to just me. I am going to take it upon myself to collect stories from my coworkers and record them here. So the people in the posts will be labeled as "employee" and "guest" mostly.

I've been working at the aquarium for a while now, and I've amassed quite a few stories. So right off the bat, I'm going to be posting a lot of them, to sort of catch up. After that I'll be posting new stories as they happen. Some may be brief descriptions, some may be a dialogue, but let me assure you that they all really happened and that they are all funny.

And let me say this: a lot of these are funny. But a lot of them also make me really sad. These vignettes both make my day and assure me that people, as a whole, are idiots.

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