Wednesday, November 26, 2008

mermaids, back-breathing, and whales.

A woman approaches, her kids are slightly out of earshot. She's dead serious.

Woman: Excuse me, do you have mermaids?
Employee: What?
Woman: Do you have Atlantic mermaids?
Employee: Um... no?
Woman: Oh. [To kids] Sorry guys, I really wanted you to see what a real mermaid looked like.


Man seeing bubbles come out from under a penguin's thick feathers underwater: Hey! Do they breathe out of their backs?


A man with a thick Indian accent:

Man: You have big whale last time! Big whale!
Employee: Sir, we actually don't have whales here. Maybe you saw our large sharks?
Man: Yes. [Smiles] Big whale.
Employee: No whales.
Man: So big, the whales.

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